We recognise that travelling to the USA for Atlassian Team ’22 would have a negative impact on the environment, particularly the required air travel.
For example, using the MoreTrees carbon footprint calculator, we discovered that for our team members to travel from London to Las Vegas round-trip, the 16,900km distance equates to around 16.9 tonnes of CO2 released into the atmosphere.
Therefore, we have partnered with MoreTrees to enable us to not only offset the carbon used, but also sequester carbon in the future too.
Automation Consultants tree planting with MoreTrees
We have planted 100 most-needed trees in Madagascar, which will sequester approximately 30 tonnes of CO2 over the trees’ lifetime.
MoreTrees’ Madagascar tree planting project involves partnering with local communities to reforest one of the world’s top biodiversity conservation priorities.
This not only helps sequester CO2 emissions, but the project also provides co-benefits such as water filtration, shelter, food sources, poverty alleviation and biodiversity.
However, some of these benefits will not be realised immediately. For example, carbon sequestration happens over the span of a tree’s lifetime, typically peaking at around the 10-20 year mark.
Therefore, we were also keen to participate in a project where carbon avoidance or capture has already taken place as well.
Automation Consultants carbon offsetting with MoreTrees
We purchased 16 tonnes of carbon credits as part of GS1247, which is a micro-scale energy efficiency project in Eritrea, Africa.
This project involves the distribution of 3,626 stoves. These fuel-efficient cookstoves are intended for domestic use and distributed to households within the Anseba district.

The project is Gold Standard certified. This was established by WWF and other international NGOs to ensure that projects that reduce carbon emissions under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism also contributed to sustainable development.
The impact certified SDGs for this project also include:

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